Andrea Cavalluzzo

About Me

I am passionate about sports, fitness, and technology. I love experimenting with home automation and 3D printing to create innovative solutions. Both hardware and software in the field of computer science are my passions, and I enjoy exploring the latest advancements. I'm always ready for new challenges and exciting discoveries in these areas I love.


Web Developer - ComponentsEngine


  • Front-Office: Designed and implemented an e-commerce platform enabling companies to manage post-sales and allowing their clients to consult and purchase products and spare parts from 2D and 3D catalogs.
  • Back-Office: Created a management system allowing for user management, data entry, and various administrative functions.
Angular C# SQL

Technical Analyst Programmer - Hi-Net srl


Website development using WordPress and custom module development for CRM


Mechanical fitter - Technogym SPA


Mechanical fitter of gym equipment

Computer systems technician - AUSL Romagna, Cesena (Italia)


School-work alternation internship

  • Technical assistance
  • PC assembly



Complete Python Developer in 2023: Zero to Mastery

How to become a Python 3 Developer and get hired! Build 12+ projects, learn Web Development, Machine Learning + more!

Udemy Course

In progress...

Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide [2023 Edition]

A Complete Guide to the Flutter SDK & Flutter Framework for building native iOS and Android apps

Udemy Course

In progress...

Complete NodeJS Developer in 2023

Learn from real NodeJS experts! Includes REALLY Advanced NodeJS. Express, GraphQL, REST, MongoDB, SQL, MERN + much more

Udemy Course

In progress...

Complete React Developer in 2023

Updated! Become a Senior React Developer. Build a massive E-commerce app with Redux, Hooks, GraphQL, Stripe, Firebase

Udemy Course


The Complete Web Developer in 2023: Zero to Mastery

Learn to code and become a Web Developer in 2023 with HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Node.js, Machine Learning & more!

Udemy Course



ITT Blaise Pascal

Informatics - -
